Kalamazoo Animal Rescue

Intake Forms

Please note, the rescue daily receives far more intake requests that we can accept. You will receive a reply from us ONLY if we are able to help. In that case, we will contact you within 48 hours. We are all volunteers who donate our time to the rescue. Don't give up trying to find a new home! Please use the links below for more tips and advice. If you still need to request our help, please use the appropriate form below:

Dog and Puppy Intake Form

Cat and Kitten Intake Forms

Please add as much detail as you can in your intake request. We will get back to you as soon as we have a foster who can take the pet. To help us meet the needs of all the animals intrusted to our care, there is a $25 per cat or $50 per litter (mom and babies) relinquishment fee payable when the cat is brought in. Thank you.

Helpful Information

Don't give up! Persistence pays off.

©1991-2025 Kalamazoo Animal Rescue